today AEEDC Dubai Feb. 6–8, 2024 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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today AEEDC Dubai Feb. 6–8, 2024

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today AEEDC Dubai Feb. 6–8, 2024

An interview with Dr Amir Mansouri, CEO of SprintRay.: “Dentistry without deviation” / The balance between innovation and tradition: Straumann Group offer the latest digital technologies and training / AEEDC Dubai: Dentistry’s distinguished destination / An interview with Dr Ahmed Shawky el-Sheshtawy, AEEDC Dubai 2024 speaker.: “Retreatments are a unique way to save not only teeth but also the surrounding bone” / Middle Eastern dental market to swell to more than US$1.6 billion: An analysis by Donna Santos and Dr Kamran Zamanian, iData Research / New endodontic order: A clinical report by Dr Philippe Sleiman, Lebanon / An interview with Dr Ana Bokuchava, international marketing manager at Curaden. - “Aligners have shortcomings, but using the right aligner foam helps” / Teaming with Planmeca to create a high-tech boutique experience / Oral Reconstruction Foundation—new scientific knowledge for the benefit of patients: An interview with Dr Martin Schuler, executive director of the Oral Reconstruction Foundation / Industry / List of exhibitors / What’s on in Dubai, AEEDC 2024, 6–8 February / Useful information /
