DT UK 3008 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT UK 3008

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DT UK 3008

GDC bans ‘unqualified’ implants / NHS dentistry fails pensioners / Communication combats stress / Thieving dentist is up for fraud / Halitosis reaches 2.5m / Vending machine clearout / Editorial comment: A double-edged sword? / Dental patient suffers neglect / Thousands to switch surgeries / Debt-ridden company ends contract / Howard Stean’s dentistry classes / Fluoride for Bolton? / Berries beat oral cancer / GDPUK round-up / Men drive cosmetic trends / NHS registration increase / GDC forms new links / Goodbye Mr Rose / Creating a selling culture / The 10th Dimension – the power of 10 / Counting the pennies / Vision or delusion? / Stop thief! Give me back my retirement savings! / Praise where it’s due / CPD – who pays and who benefits? / More comfort - less invasion / Sink or swim / Oral Health / Industry News / Events: Mastering business skills / Classified /
