DT UK 2608 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT UK 2608

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DT UK 2608

Mouth cancer ignorance continues / Dental Loupes for students / BDTA announces the winner / Volunteers please / Editorial comment It’s time to take action / GDPUK round-up / The Perfect Partnership / Smile of the Year 2009 launch / BSDHT conference announcement / New patients for Stoke-on-Trent / Cinema trips for BDTA delegates / At home with Smile-on / Power dressing / Beginners in business / Know your rights / Bespoke financial planning / Learning to flourish / AHEAD OF YOUR GAME / Trends in endodontics: views from the specialist practice / Oral cancer screening – its place in the general practice / Have you got that? / Whitening / Industry News / Annual Premier Symposium approaching /
