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aligners international No. 2, 2023
Cover / Editorial / Content / Interview: Dr Carlos Flores Mir talks about the orthodontic patient’s treatment journey / Case report: The necessity of multiple aligner attachments—a reality check by Dr Bruce McFarlane / Case report: A non-surgical orthodontic approach using clear aligners in a Class III adult patient by Drs Tomás A. Salazar & Bernardita Goycoolea / Case report: Interdisciplinary rehabilitation involving Froggymouth, orthodontic aligners and dental anti-ageing resurfacing in an adult patient by Drs Antonello Francesco Pavone, Benedetta Pavone, Andrea Bazzucchi, Pauline Bazzucchi & Simone Verardi / Case report: Nuvola aligners combined with a myofunctional device in paediatric treatment by Dr Simona Bussu / Case report: Revolutionising dental treatments: The power of digital integration with Invisalign Smile Architect by Dr Luís Ilzarbe / Case report: A game-changer for chairside splint production by Dr Kasen Somana / Case report: The FAS Aligner System and the treatment of temporomandibular disorders by Drs Domingo Martín, Javier Aznar, Guillem Farrés, Pablo Arias-Camisón, Anna Andrzejewska & Alberto Canábez / Feature: Growing your practice: Some dos and don’ts to make it successful by Jerko Bozikovic / Manufacturer news / Industry report / Product feature / International events / Imprint /
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Interview: Dr Carlos Flores Mir talks about the orthodontic patient’s treatment journey
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Case report: The necessity of multiple aligner attachments—a reality check by Dr Bruce McFarlane
10 - 14 -
Case report: A non-surgical orthodontic approach using clear aligners in a Class III adult patient by Drs Tomás A. Salazar & Bernardita Goycoolea
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Case report: Interdisciplinary rehabilitation involving Froggymouth, orthodontic aligners and dental anti-ageing resurfacing in an adult patient by Drs Antonello Francesco Pavone, Benedetta Pavone, Andrea Bazzucchi,
24 - 37
Pauline Bazzucchi & Simone Verardi -
Case report: Nuvola aligners combined with a myofunctional device in paediatric treatment by Dr Simona Bussu
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Case report: Revolutionising dental treatments: The power of digital integration with Invisalign Smile Architect by Dr Luís Ilzarbe
46 - 52 -
Case report: A game-changer for chairside splint production by Dr Kasen Somana
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Case report: The FAS Aligner System and the treatment of temporomandibular disorders by Drs Domingo Martín, Javier Aznar, Guillem Farrés, Pablo Arias-Camisón, Anna Andrzejewska & Alberto Canábez
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Feature: Growing your practice: Some dos and don’ts to make it successful by Jerko Bozikovic
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Manufacturer news
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Industry report
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Product feature
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International events
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