DT UK 2908 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT UK 2908

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DT UK 2908

BACD: research foreign dentists / Ex-dental chief tells lies / Incentives tempt Scottish graduates / NHS dentistry abroad / Stripping for charity / CDO opens new dental school / Quality teachers compete / New links for CIC / Editorial comment UDAs in translation? / Orthodontist changes a boy’s life / London dentist treats Cambodians / Dentist is suspended / One-stop health complexes / YouTube dental advice / Taking the plunge! / News & Opinions: Log all complaints says DDU / Mouth Cancer Action Week / News & Opinions: Recruitment website launch / The Sceptic presents The case for… and against Virtue / The 10th Dimension – the power of 10 / All above board? / Cost-effective recruitment / Building trust and loyalty / Learning the easy way / Assessing previous endodontic treatment radiographically: making clinical decisions / Endodontic consent — an efficient script / Looking through the window / Impression Materials / Industry News / Events: London charity walk / Classified /
